
friday five

It's the dog days, time to lean into indoor activities like art, movies, and watching the Olympics. 

1. These are our longstanding favorite art supply, paint sticks.

2. I loved the movie, King Richard. Amazing story!

3. I'm sure by now you've all seen Celine Dion's performance at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Epic.

4. Does anyone remember the blog, Memories on Cloverlane? It was one of my all time favorites. Here is a must-listen 2 part podcast interview about teens with Sarah Turner (part 1 and part 2). She tragically died from cancer earlier this year, and I will miss her corner of the internet so much. 

5. Back to school is so close. That means it's time for me to freeze some PB & J's

Happy Friday (actually Saturday). 

best summer overnight item

My kids have gone on several overnights this summer, the kind where they had to pack their own bed linens and towels. Why is this the worst? It makes for such bulky packing. Maybe it's just me, but I like things to be light and consolidated. 

Enter my solution:

Send a fitted sheet and one of these compact sleeping bags in a bag. The fitted sheet covers the mattress and the sleeping bag + pillow make the perfect, easy to pack set. I tell them, if you're cold at night, put on socks. Sometimes AC's run hard in the summer. 

Also, these sleeping bags make a great gift. Each of our kids got one for Christmas a few years ago. 

Links are Amazon affiliate links.


table culture

Saturday night, Jill sat with us at dinner for maybe the 3rd time in her life. It was the cutest! She typically eats earlier and has an earlier bedtime. 

Having all seven of us at a relatively small table really made us feel like a lot of people

I hesitate to make any claims about mothering successes because, wow, I've been humbled many times. But if I had to choose one thing I'm really proud of, I would say we have a strong family table culture. We consistently eat meals together and the conversations are good and always getting better! We talk about silly things like celebrity crushes and what happened at school that day. We also cover deep and controversial topics about current events and theology. 

The table also gives us ample opportunity to touch on what NOT to talk about. We work on manners -- not interrupting, chewing with your mouth closed, and serving yourself reasonable portions. That last one is a big for me...not wasting food!

As many times as we've sat at the table together, you'd think we'd have mastered more in the manners department, but we are still on this journey and trust me it is a long one. 

Somehow we've managed to not get too involved in sports that take us away from regular family dinners. At least a couple nights a week, someone is missing, gone to a youth group event or a friend's house. It's  nice to mix it up. This summer we've had several meals with just one or two children home at a time. Lovely.

About six months ago we started reading a very short Bible passage at the close of the meal. We take turns reading. I have always wanted to do this since being inspired by The Hiding Place. I love how the Bible was the centerpiece of the ten Boom home and was read and appreciated as a group. 

Lastly, cleaning. I'm working on getting the whole family involved in clean up. The kids push back, but after a day of feeding all the people, mama needs help! It takes so little for the group to do it and so much effort if left to one person. 

Our rich times at the table have come together slowly over many years. Our little (or big?) Spooner family table culture has been built a bit at a time, mostly around a tea candle in a ball jar, paper napkins, and lots bowls of soup...and bread. 

And of course we have casual nights where we eat around the TV. 

Here's a few of my favorite books that inspired me along the way especially when my kids were younger.

French Kids Eat Everything

Dinner a Love Story

How to Celebrate Everything

Links are Amazon affiliate links


friday five

Happy Friday friends! 

We have had the largest week with church camps, cross country practice, and me trying to reimplement my days of the week home management schedule with back to school upon us. Also, JILL! She's in full blown toddler mode, wrecking everything I do. This is why God made two year olds so funny and cute. They'd make you crazy otherwise. 

So how about the Friday five?!

1. My girls discovered this cookie recipe and we might be opening a bakery they are so tasty. 

2. Francie Outlaw's post about photo organization has me totally inspired. I love the idea of using iMovie to compile all the videos and making a yearly video. Genius.

3. This is my time of year to shop for swimsuits. They go on major sale. My go to suit for years has been  Landsend tugless one pieces. I ordered the stripes. Tip: size up, they run small.

4. Would you quit social media? This is an inspiring and thought provoking conversation

5. This tank from Amazon. Two thumbs up. I want every color. I like it because it's mostly cotton. 

That is all. 

Some links are Amazon affiliate links.


friday five

This is my first (and maybe only) Friday Five. The idea is I round up five of my favorite recommendations on Fridays...books, movies, recipes, beauty products, etc. What if it became a regular thing?! 

Y'all, I will try. 

1. Blue Bell strawberry ice cream is superior to other brands. I don't even like strawberry ice cream, but BB is DEEEElightful. Jill has been getting a small scoop after dinner this week and making a sticky mess on the porch. 

2. Earlier this summer I went to a Justin Timberlake concert. It was so fun! His fan base is definitely middle age women. Ha! His Tiny Desk Concert is awesome. You're welcome. P.S. I saw him before his DWI.

3. I'm going on five years wearing Clinque eyeliner. Roast coffee is my color. It goes on smooth and it stays on! It's totally worth the price. 

4. I'm almost done reading The Anxious Generation by Johnathon Haidt. It's about kids and smart phones. A must read!

5. Someone please buy me this retro Uno. I have been playing Uno and other games with my kids. I think of myself as someone who hates games, but I always end up having fun, laughing and trash talking the other players. 

What about you? What do you recommend?

P.S. The first Friday Five is on a Saturday. Go with it. 

Some links are Amazon Associate Links


summer 2024 uniform

I adore the concept of a uniform! This one is my go to for this summer. 

1. crew neck T,  J.Crew Factory

2. linen shorts, Old Navy

This outfit is perfect for days at home, traveling (hello elastic waist band!), errands, chasing my toddler, curling up for an afternoon power nap, whatever. Throw on some jewelry and lipstick and I can even take this look to a restaurant. I love the mix and match of colors. The variations keep it interesting, and yet it is the same!

I was discussing style with some friends lately and they said let's embrace more of what's already working. This is what's working. It's simple. My style is simple. And it's not boring because there are so many combos. Also, the accessories really shine when paired with such basics. 

Do you have a summer uniform?


best summer sandwich + farmer's market

This is a favorite, an open faced tomato and cucumber sandwich. Good enough for company and doesn't get any easier!


Good bread, toasted. I like bagels, too

chive and onion cream cheese

farmer's market cucumbers and tomatoes

salt and pepper


I have committed to going to the farmer's market every week to get tomatoes and cucumbers. If you follow the Lazy Genius, this falls under her decide once philosophy. I have decided (once) that if we are low on tomatoes and cucumbers, it's worth a special trip to restock. I could get distracted by all the other produce, but that takes a lot of decisions, so I keep it simple with tomatoes and cucumbers only. Also, those 2 produces are always affordable.


to share or not to share

That is the question. When I started this blog I had grand plans to post minimum 2 x week, to keep it authentic and small. I wanted to channel 2009 blogging. I wanted to be a better family historian while avoiding Instagram. I wanted old school Cup of Jo vibes, but with a different world view. IYKYK.

The project officially got interrupted by my 10 year old who started waking up early to do math, intruding on my only uninterrupted, quiet hour. And then I was totally sabotaged by a busy, mobile, and very    climb-y toddler. I gave up temporarily. Surrendered. I will have a hobby when I'm dead. 

Also, I'm perpetually conflicted about sharing on the internet, especially about kids. Is it safe? Will they resent me for sharing their pictures or things about their personality? I don't totally buy into the whole "it's their story to tell" mentality because it's also my story. They are my story, and I do think it's possible to share with class and discretion. Anyways, it's complicated. 

One time I was talking to a friend about oversharing. I was saying I wish I could be one of those people who is reserved and mysterious. She immediately replied, no -- you are being hospitable with yourself (when you share). I certainly feel that way about others. 

I think it takes wisdom to know what to share and what not to share. Thoughts?

I leave you with some cute Jill pics. My dad took these when we were in Jackson over the weekend. She's 20 months old!


life lately

Hello. It's summer! Hooray.

Let me start with a basic update. 

Stephen Jr. got his driver's permit. I'm shocked how the Lord prepares you for this. I'm ready for him to drive when he turns 16, and he's ready, too. I will never forget this day mostly because it's the same day that another child, who will remain nameless, got a squirrel bite.

Laurie got her braces off. She was so disciplined about wearing rubber bands and doing everything the orthodontist said to do that she got them off earlier than expected. We celebrated with an iced mocha from Starbucks.

George crushed the 5th grade. He's probably the most excited for summer as academia is not favorite...which is why I'm extra proud of how he did this past year.  

Caroline is the most joyful and enthusiastic 8.5 year old. My mom recently bought her a Stanley, which she totally deserved! She is always ready to help when needed and does a great job keeping her eye on Jill.

Jill is becoming a legit toddler. She is pretty chill. Chill Jill. Seriously, she's easy, sweet, sensitive, and adorable. 

Stephen and I recently celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. I won't say anything mushy, but I would like you to know this man recently bought me a $7,000 tooth. That's what true love is. I had a long overdue dental implant. Thanks, babe.

On an average day, I'm hustling from dawn to dusk and beyond. People say what's one more kid after you have 3 or 4? I disagree. One more is one, and as they get older they each have their own worlds and social calendars. What I would give to have an administrative assistant! 

Lately, life is good and so rich. I'm constantly thinking to myself, "Thank you, Lord, for all these wonderful children." I say it especially on hard days because thankfulness is the cure for so much of what ails us. I wouldn't trade any of it for all the money in the world. 


clinging to daily habits

I have been clinging to some (almost) daily, doable habits that I've worked really hard to establish. They are each small and pleasurable enough that I really can't make excuses. The benefits are huge and they make me feel like a person. 

1. Going for an early morning walk. This helps with my sleep, experts say, getting outside early in the day. Jill and take a short walk and get a splash of sunshine on our faces.

2. Working out for 20 minutes. I have been using this YouTuber, Mr and Mrs Muscle. 20 minute is achievable, and most days I can fit it in. I try to get to it the second I put Jill down for her nap.

3. Drinking a large mason jar of water, 24 ounces by noon. Because I'm bad at drinking water, measuring is a must + no expensive cup needed. 

4. Listening to an audiobook on my way to carpool. While this is a pleasure, it's also a discipline. Books are long form, and like lots of people my attention span is half ruined. But if I take 10 minutes to listen, then I'm very likely to get hooked and listen to more.

5. Getting dressed everyday. This is so good for my soul. Everyone deserves to look nice and taking the time to get dress, put on make up, and fix my hair is not frivolous or shallow. It's dignifying. 

6. Reading 2 chapters of the Bible/day. I usually listen on audio. I'm trying to read through the Bible chronologically. I'm in Leviticus. 


salmon sandwiches

I have declared that I'm in a long season of simplification and giving myself so much grace.

"Spread thin" is the theme of me right now. And that is totally ok! I just need to know it and accept it and remember it.

And yet there are non negotiables such as meals. Can't let those go. 

In my post about plan B meal planning, I reminded us all that fast food is not necessarily fast or cheap!

Enter: the salmon sandwich

Bake a salmon, buy some good buns, spread on lots of mayo, and lettuce. How easy is that?

This meal keeps us from ordering out. It costs about half of what it would cost our family to go to Chick fil A or pick up pizza. It's also filling and better for us. Nutritionally dense (I love this phrase). I even use foil on the pan so I don't have to wash it. 


The other day, in a moment of meal planning and cooking fatigue, I made a list of 10 easy meals. 

Some allow for variations on the same dish. Roasted chicken thighs and vegetables. I can use different seasonings and vegetables and it becomes a different meal every time.

Some are easy recipes I know by heart...spaghetti

I feel so much freedom in only having to choose from this short list for a little while. It's got me wondering what other areas of my life I can simplify. 

Thinking is too hard sometimes. As I've written this post, Jill has climbed on the kitchen table at least 5 times! Ha, see why I need everything to be easy!

What's your easiest meal? 


the thick of it

I have fallen off the blogging wagon like you do when life is busy. So I thought I would give a little check in, and then hopefully back to my regularly scheduled posting.

My older 2 children were part of our school's production of The Music Man this past weekend. It was excellent! I'm so proud of their performances. They are also involved in tennis, track, and some church activities. I drive a lot.

George is crushing the 5th grade (at least according to my standards). He's happy for the time change and ready for summer. He roams the neighborhood and is always with friends.

Caroline is in 2nd grade. She's my helper and the best big sister. She's always looking out for and playing with Jill. I would like to get her involved in some activities like piano or tennis. She has a lot of energy.

Stephen Jr. turns 15 in April which means he's so close to driving. I will miss his music preferences (mostly the Beatles) he chooses in the car, but I am looking forward to having a driver and hopefully getting some relief on my schedule.

I recently told myself that the demand on my time is at a fever pitch. There's only so much I can delegate in this season. But that will change. Everyone is always getting older. Stephen will drive. Jill will not be such a liability. Even this week she learned to get on and off the couch. Hallelujah! She's discovering her limitations and boundaries. And one day she will go to preschool. I will not be sad.

This verse, Proverbs 14:4 has meant a lot to me lately.

Where there is no oxen the stall is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox. 

I don't have a tidy life, but I do have all these people and they are so beautiful and wonderful, becoming the best and most hilarious humans.

And these angelic curls! Can you believe it? As if we needed another reason to love Jill more. 


tip for mamas home with babies

Babies are wonderful, and babies are so much work! One year olds are the worst, extremely mobile and yet they have no sense of danger. And why God made them so curious and drawn to the most off limits thing in any given room, I will never know!

All I know is this. Set up your pack in play. Fill it with toys, board books, and a comfy quilt. Utilize it on a routine basis. I like to set my little Jilly in hers midmorning after she's been very busy crawling all over the house and trying to kill herself. She may protest a little, but typically settles in and will play for about 20 minutes.

I usually spend this time getting dressed for the day or prepping dinner. 


best chocolate cake ever

Making this chocolate cake is our Valentine tradition. I've tried a lot of chocolate cake recipes but this is THE one. It's from Jenny Rosenstratch's cookbook, How to Celebrate Everything

a few tips....

1. Line the cake pans with parchment paper, tracing and cutting out perfect circles. Then spray the sides with cooking spray. This ensures the cakes come out smoothly.

2. Freeze or refrigerate the cake layers before you ice them. It makes them so much easier to work with. 

3. Use smaller cake pans, 8" or 9" for this recipe because this cake is delicate. Larger cake layers tend to fall apart easily. 

I'm making this sound fussy. It's worth it. Trust me.


2 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups flour
3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1  teaspoon baking powder
2 large eggs
1 cup room-temperature strong black coffee
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup canola oil or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Cut out parchment paper and grease the pans. Mix all ingredients and bake in a preheated oven (350 degrees) for approximately 25-30 minutes depending on your oven. Consider it done when a knife comes out clean.


1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled
1 tablespoon whole milk
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Use a mixer. The icing makes just enough for the cake, none to spare.


And just for fun! Here's me + my Valentine. This was our first date. Summer 2000. Jackson, MS. I was 17 and Stephen was 19.