
the thick of it

I have fallen off the blogging wagon like you do when life is busy. So I thought I would give a little check in, and then hopefully back to my regularly scheduled posting.

My older 2 children were part of our school's production of The Music Man this past weekend. It was excellent! I'm so proud of their performances. They are also involved in tennis, track, and some church activities. I drive a lot.

George is crushing the 5th grade (at least according to my standards). He's happy for the time change and ready for summer. He roams the neighborhood and is always with friends.

Caroline is in 2nd grade. She's my helper and the best big sister. She's always looking out for and playing with Jill. I would like to get her involved in some activities like piano or tennis. She has a lot of energy.

Stephen Jr. turns 15 in April which means he's so close to driving. I will miss his music preferences (mostly the Beatles) he chooses in the car, but I am looking forward to having a driver and hopefully getting some relief on my schedule.

I recently told myself that the demand on my time is at a fever pitch. There's only so much I can delegate in this season. But that will change. Everyone is always getting older. Stephen will drive. Jill will not be such a liability. Even this week she learned to get on and off the couch. Hallelujah! She's discovering her limitations and boundaries. And one day she will go to preschool. I will not be sad.

This verse, Proverbs 14:4 has meant a lot to me lately.

Where there is no oxen the stall is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox. 

I don't have a tidy life, but I do have all these people and they are so beautiful and wonderful, becoming the best and most hilarious humans.

And these angelic curls! Can you believe it? As if we needed another reason to love Jill more. 


  1. I'm bookmarking that Proverb and committing it to memory. Thank you for sharing this perspective because it can be hard to get your head above water in the thick of motherhood, but it's true: we are doing lasting, important work.

  2. Hi! Faithful reader here - have a new 2.5 week baby girl at home and she just stays hungry 12 hours out the day. Breastfeeding exclusively! I feel like she is never satisfied. Any tips?

    1. Congratulations!!! Rest, rest, rest. Nurse, nurse, nurse. Assuming there are no health issues, the more you rest and nurse your body will catch up to her needs. Also, stay hydrated. It gets easier! You are in the hardest part.

  3. I love this post, the proverb, and you and your precious family!!!
