
outfit formula that always works

a cream colored top + a skirt = a classic combo that always works!

cream or ivory
short or long sleeved
sweater or blouse
mini, midi, or maxi 

Lots of options to pull it together.

me (40) + Laurie (almost 13) 

This look works on so many occasions and for all ages. You can be 12, 20, 43, or 72 and it lands every time. 

Wear it to work, or church, or pair it with fancy accessories for parties.

Dress it up with heels or go casual with booties or boots, or a nice loafer. Love a loafer. Pictured above, I'm wearing my new Nisolos

This outfit is perfect with tights in cold weather or sandals in warm temps. It is for ALL seasons, warm fall days and cold spring ones. We have a lot of both in Montgomery, Alabama.

My point is -- this whole ensemble is verstile. If you're at a loss as to what to wear on special occasions, get a cream top and a couple of skirts. At least have them as a back up.

Sometimes moms with younger daughters ask me how and where to find clothes for tweens and teens. I don't know is my answer. But I do know this outfit in various forms is a winner for most everyone. 

I took Laurie shopping over Thanksgiving break. We bought 3 tops and 2 skirts, multiple variations of cream colored sweaters, mixed and matched with the skirts. Of course, because this is an outfit formula that always works! 


  1. Looks great on you and your daughter but is a no-go for me. My hair is white, my skin is pale and wearing white or cream looks like death on me.

  2. ❤️❤️❤️

  3. You and Laurie look fabulous! I'm so with you on getting a few things and mixing and matching them. Getting pretty much everything in cream or white, black, gray, and red as an accent has helped me pack light and dress up or down for years. Love your posts, SB - Lynn
