
3 baby items that have stood the test x 5 babies

I'm not a stuff person with babies. Like one of my fellow minimalist mom friends hilariously said, "give me a boob and a diaper and I can take this baby anywhere." My sentiment exactly.

I just had no tolerance for baby carriers, breast pumps, nursing covers, wipe warmers, all the various seats and swings. If I had any of it, I mostly borrowed and rarely used it. I'm not saying this is a moral issue, it was just my preference. 

BUT...there's 3 baby items I really LIKE and that have stood the test x all 5 of my babies over the 13 year age span between my oldest and youngest. I'm attached to these products. I even think these things would be nice for grandparents to have and keep on hand at their house. 

1. The first is the Yookidoo bath toy. These are so fun! It's battery powered and recycles the bath water like a little faucet. You know how babies are mesmerized by the water running and when it's time to turn it off, they stand up in the tub and want to get out. Well, this is the solution. It comes with lots of cups and accessories, and it's just a big ol' hit at our house.

2. The second is the Fisher Price booster seat. Classic. With my first, I bought a charming Jenny Lind high chair, and it bit the dust within 6 months. The wooden tray did not hold up. Plus, it was too big for our tiny house at the time. It was a sad day when I threw it in the burn pile, but that's when I bought the iconic lime green and turquoise booster that has done its job so well. Also, you most likely need a booster to travel anyways, so it's easy to just have one.

3. The third is the Chicco Umbrella stroller. I am such an umbrella stroller enthusiast. I love the Chicco (mine is much older than the one linked) because it's sturdy. It's light weight and small enough to pop it in and out of the trunk of the car while running errands, and it's solid enough to take on an actual walk around the block. It doesn't replace my actually jogging stroller, but like the booster it's easy for travel and day to day use.

So there's my 3. I didn't think I'd still be writing about baby items at 40 years old, but I'm so glad I am! 

What about you parents and grandparents out there? What products do you swear by? 


  1. Less is more! Amen! I wish I'd known about that bath toy when my kids were littler. So smart. I was devoted to my baby carriers, but I was also able to bring my babies to work with me (I work part-time) and wearing them was the easiest way to get anything done. But I do recommend borrowing baby carriers from friends until you find your favorite--or your baby might not like a carrier and you won't waste the money on that purchase!

  2. I need a Yookidoo bath toy for my tub! Something about having that water tumble down is so relaxing. And fabulous picture! - Lynn
