I accidentally have a word of the year. Contentment. I didn't set out to think of a word, but I needed to cheer myself on in a positive direction, and contentment is the word I kept repeating to guide myself to a better place.
I also have a mantra: focus on the baby's yams. Stay with me while I explain.
In our family, someone, most often me, will say "look at this baby's yams." And then no one can resist. Naturally, we will gather around saying "oh WOW, look at those yams!" Sometimes 3 or 4 of us will elbow and fight over who is going to relish the yams the most. It's so easy to delight in a baby's chubby legs. I could squeeze them off with joy. They can even melt away the moodiest teenage mood.
This exercise with the yams is a template for how I want to enjoy the priceless gifts right in front of me. It's how I'm cultivating contentment. Be in the moment. Enjoy what I have. Delight in simple pleasures with gratefulness.
In a big family, heck, in life....there's always a situation, a problem, something unresolved. Sometimes it's heavy and sometimes it's just nagging like a stupid house project. That thing whatever it is can really suck all the joy right out of ya.
So y'all. Let's focus on the baby's yams this weekend. Breathe some fresh air, smile, have a laugh, sing a hymn. Make a cup of coffee and take it on the porch.
And if you need more motivation on contentment, read the February 16 morning reading from Charles Spurgeon, who is only slightly more eloquent than yours truly.