
table culture

Saturday night, Jill sat with us at dinner for maybe the 3rd time in her life. It was the cutest! She typically eats earlier and has an earlier bedtime. 

Having all seven of us at a relatively small table really made us feel like a lot of people

I hesitate to make any claims about mothering successes because, wow, I've been humbled many times. But if I had to choose one thing I'm really proud of, I would say we have a strong family table culture. We consistently eat meals together and the conversations are good and always getting better! We talk about silly things like celebrity crushes and what happened at school that day. We also cover deep and controversial topics about current events and theology. 

The table also gives us ample opportunity to touch on what NOT to talk about. We work on manners -- not interrupting, chewing with your mouth closed, and serving yourself reasonable portions. That last one is a big for me...not wasting food!

As many times as we've sat at the table together, you'd think we'd have mastered more in the manners department, but we are still on this journey and trust me it is a long one. 

Somehow we've managed to not get too involved in sports that take us away from regular family dinners. At least a couple nights a week, someone is missing, gone to a youth group event or a friend's house. It's  nice to mix it up. This summer we've had several meals with just one or two children home at a time. Lovely.

About six months ago we started reading a very short Bible passage at the close of the meal. We take turns reading. I have always wanted to do this since being inspired by The Hiding Place. I love how the Bible was the centerpiece of the ten Boom home and was read and appreciated as a group. 

Lastly, cleaning. I'm working on getting the whole family involved in clean up. The kids push back, but after a day of feeding all the people, mama needs help! It takes so little for the group to do it and so much effort if left to one person. 

Our rich times at the table have come together slowly over many years. Our little (or big?) Spooner family table culture has been built a bit at a time, mostly around a tea candle in a ball jar, paper napkins, and lots bowls of soup...and bread. 

And of course we have casual nights where we eat around the TV. 

Here's a few of my favorite books that inspired me along the way especially when my kids were younger.

French Kids Eat Everything

Dinner a Love Story

How to Celebrate Everything

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friday five

Happy Friday friends! 

We have had the largest week with church camps, cross country practice, and me trying to reimplement my days of the week home management schedule with back to school upon us. Also, JILL! She's in full blown toddler mode, wrecking everything I do. This is why God made two year olds so funny and cute. They'd make you crazy otherwise. 

So how about the Friday five?!

1. My girls discovered this cookie recipe and we might be opening a bakery they are so tasty. 

2. Francie Outlaw's post about photo organization has me totally inspired. I love the idea of using iMovie to compile all the videos and making a yearly video. Genius.

3. This is my time of year to shop for swimsuits. They go on major sale. My go to suit for years has been  Landsend tugless one pieces. I ordered the stripes. Tip: size up, they run small.

4. Would you quit social media? This is an inspiring and thought provoking conversation

5. This tank from Amazon. Two thumbs up. I want every color. I like it because it's mostly cotton. 

That is all. 

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friday five

This is my first (and maybe only) Friday Five. The idea is I round up five of my favorite recommendations on Fridays...books, movies, recipes, beauty products, etc. What if it became a regular thing?! 

Y'all, I will try. 

1. Blue Bell strawberry ice cream is superior to other brands. I don't even like strawberry ice cream, but BB is DEEEElightful. Jill has been getting a small scoop after dinner this week and making a sticky mess on the porch. 

2. Earlier this summer I went to a Justin Timberlake concert. It was so fun! His fan base is definitely middle age women. Ha! His Tiny Desk Concert is awesome. You're welcome. P.S. I saw him before his DWI.

3. I'm going on five years wearing Clinque eyeliner. Roast coffee is my color. It goes on smooth and it stays on! It's totally worth the price. 

4. I'm almost done reading The Anxious Generation by Johnathon Haidt. It's about kids and smart phones. A must read!

5. Someone please buy me this retro Uno. I have been playing Uno and other games with my kids. I think of myself as someone who hates games, but I always end up having fun, laughing and trash talking the other players. 

What about you? What do you recommend?

P.S. The first Friday Five is on a Saturday. Go with it. 

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