I think it's so important that moms eat a good lunch. First of all, it's very physical, our jobs. We need to feed ourselves nutritious and delicious food.
I remember when I first took my older kids to preschool I would have time to exercise, shower, and make a good lunch. Then it was about time to pick them up.
For a long time I felt like I was wasting time. Shouldn't I be running a side hustle or cleaning the whole house top to bottom? I didn't feel like I had much to show for my kid free 3 hours.
My mindset has changed and I don't feel like I'm wasting time eating a good lunch these days. I find that it keeps me from overeating later in the day because I've been cared for.
I like to call it a luxurious lunch for mom. Sometimes, my mom and I will brag about the lunches we enjoy. Lots of eggs and avocados are typically involved.
My plate pictured above is sriracha salmon, yellow rice, and a salad with goat cheese, walnuts, and tomatoes. Tuesday night's leftovers.
Also, that's a giant, 3 cup mason jar. I try to drink one jar before noon. #goals